Contact Information

6215 Via La Cantera, 3-238, San Antonio, TX, 78256

5700 Tennyson Parkway Suite 300-59, Plano, TX, 75024

Call us, we are available +1(817) 505-3241
Follow us at


This site is owned and operated by La Loma Homes, LLC and will be referred to as "we" or "us" in this privacy policy. By using this site, you agree to its privacy policy. The privacy policy addresses the collection and use of personal information that you may provide to us through your use of the site.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or remove portions of this privacy policy at any time. This privacy policy is in addition to any of the other terms and conditions applicable to our site. We make no representations about third party websites that may be linked to the site.

We recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about visitors to our site, particularly information that is capable of identifying an individual (personal information). This privacy policy governs the way in which your personal information, obtained through the site, will be treated. Our privacy policy should be reviewed periodically in order to keep you up to date with the latest changes.

Ownership of Company Information

Information related to the La Loma Homes, LLC site and its services, including text, graphics, icons, downloads, data compilations and logos is referred to as "Company Information". La Loma Homes, LLC owns the copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names related to the Company Information, and the Company Information is the property of La Loma Homes, LLC.

Limitations on Use

As a user you may not copy, edit, translate, decompile, reverse engineer, modify, use or reproduce any code or source relating to the site. You also may not use any links, attack the site, use robots, crawling, indexing, spamming, macros, algorithms or other methodology that does the same things for the use, access, copying, obtaining information, generating impressions or clicks, adding information, storing information or controlling any part of the site.

Personal Information

Personal information about visitors to our site is only collected when voluntarily submitted in advance. For example, we may need to ask for this information in order for you to receive further services or to respond to or forward any requests for information. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information to be treated in a manner that is consistent with the privacy laws that apply in Mexico.

Use of Information

Personal information submitted by visitors to our site is used only for the purpose for which it is submitted or for other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose, unless we disclose other uses in this privacy policy or at the time of collection.


Other than where you voluntarily consent and disclose information, your personal information may be disclosed in special situations when we have reason to believe that this is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone who harms, injures, or interferes (intentionally or unintentionally) with our property rights, users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities. In addition, we may disclose personal information when we believe in good faith that the law requires such disclosure. We may engage third parties to provide products or services to you on our behalf. In that circumstance, we may disclose your personal information to them in order to fulfill their request for products or services.


We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to our site and we review and update our security measures through the use of current technologies, even though no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Nonetheless, we will endeavor to take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information you may transmit to us. Once we receive your transmission, we will also use our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems. In addition, our employees who provide services related to our information systems are obligated to respect the confidentiality of any personal information in our possession. However, we will not be liable for events arising from unauthorized access to your personal information.

Cookie Information

Cookies are data that a site transfers to a person's hard drive (locally on your computer) for record-keeping purposes. Cookies, which are industry standard and are used by most sites, including those used by us, can facilitate the user's continued access to and use of the site. They allow us to customize the site to your needs. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept this feature, however, you should be aware that cookies may be necessary to provide you with some features of our services.

Access to Information

We will endeavor to take all reasonable steps to keep the information you provide to us secure and to keep this information accurate and up to date. If, at any time, you discover that information we hold about you is incorrect, you may contact us to correct it. In addition, our employees who provide services related to our information systems are obligated to respect the confidentiality of any personal information in our possession.

External Links

We provide links to sites outside our own site as well as to third party websites, including social networking sites. Some of these linked sites are not under our control and we cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of companies linked to our own site. Before disclosing your personal information on any other site, we recommend that you review that site's terms and conditions of use and privacy statement.


If we become aware of any concerns or problems with our site, we will take them seriously and work to address your concerns. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or have a problem or complaint, please contact us at